to: the world

from: swag

re: freedom + art

don’t get me wrong… i’m here for the financial revolution happening on Bitcoin.

but this isn’t JUST about making money for me and achieving financial freedom

yes… i want that too. more than anything.

but Bitcoin, ordinals, AI—these are the tools that let us little guys compete while protecting what matters most: our thoughts, our ideas, our privacy.

I want to protect the FREEDOM TO CREATE just as much as I want to protect your right to privacy and the freedom to transact

I’m not here for the popularity contest or to become an influencer—

I’m here to share the things that made me who I am and create a sustainable path forward to create without fear of judgment

the only thing I want to influence artists and creators to keep making shit and keep rethinking the ways things have always been done

ordinals introduced me to people who’ve become like family in ways I never could’ve imagined

I’m so grateful for the real ones and the OGs who’ve had my back (yes even if I haven’t responded to your DM yet… i suck im sorry 😩)

this place is wild… you don’t know how much it means to have people I can trust in my corner.

just need to get this idea out of my head and this weight off of my chest

This manifesto is my way of inscribing my truth onto Bitcoin, a place where it’s untouchable.

no gatekeeping, no fake hype, just 100% authentically me

at the end of the day i just want to create something “real” in a world where you can’t tell what’s fake

I’m doing this for myself, my loved ones, and those who support others and

everything else? it’s my truth, my life story, and a way to rediscover my true self through immutable creative expression

an archival process where i look back at my past and the cultural icons and collecting experience that brought me right here… right now



you may be thinking… wow what a larp can you believe what this guy’s saying?

the only larp here is that I’m not actually a frog…

after being lost for so long the only thing I want is to be truly myself again

when ordinals clicked for me in Feb’23 I couldn’t stop going down the rabbit hole

I was still in the Matrix at the time and had just taken on a handful of new clients at a consulting firm

in order to protect my privacy I wanted to create a new persona

something to represent myself in the BTC ecosystem while exploring the idea of digital identity and authenticity

i had no intention initially to sell anything, just very much wanted to contribute to the culture

for the whole first year, I was working 2 jobs essentially

in order to protect my privacy I created a new anon persona, created a pfp for myself wearing my favorite clothes, and had one goal:


BY DAY: helping setup and manage backend traditional financial systems for startups and high-growth D2C CPG companies

BY NIGHT (most of the day too lets be honest): unhinged unfiltered swaggy anonymous frog in the ordinal trenches

i found that being undoxxed allowed me to access my truest thoughts, feelings, and beliefs

it allowed me to find and align with the people that like the same things that I like

SWAGPEPES and CHAOTICGOODS are an archival art exercise that allows me to not only explore myself and face past trauma, but highlight the culture that made me who I am today

if I’m going to tell my story I’m going to tell it my way: with humor, memes, sarcasm, bright colors, and however the fuck I want.

im working through all the trauma I don’t care to discuss with a therapist anymore so excuse me if I am a bit protective

you don’t have to like me—i want you to, but I get it

I’ve been misunderstood my whole life

just know I’m out here praying for you and just genuinely want to do whats right

I will note that its typically the people who want to take advantage of others that don’t like me… probably because I see right through them

I hope by telling my story, I can help uplift other artists and creators and give some perspective on WHY i do what i do

I’ll keep inscribing my truth on chain, and I’m grateful to be able to share it with such an insanely smart, insanely based group of individuals

never taking myself too seriously, never quitting, taking pride in my work, using my voice to stand up for what I think is right, and creating things from my heart

That’s all that matters to me.

if you’re reading this ilu…

swagt0shi 10.03.2024

est 306464



In a world where art meets technology, where creativity finds its permanence not in galleries but on the blockchain, we, the digital avant-garde, embrace a revolutionary idea: storing our art immutable and permanently on Bitcoin.

  1. The Art of Immutability
    “Forget gallery walls; our canvas is the Bitcoin blockchain. Each piece of art, each note, each pixel, becomes a piece of history, unchangeable, untouchable. For us, immutability isn’t just a feature; it’s a statement. Our art will outlast us, a digital legacy etched in the blockchain.”

  2. Bitcoin as the Gallery
    “Imagine your art not needing a frame or a storage drive. Bitcoin offers a gallery that doesn’t close, where every transaction, every piece, is a testament to its existence. It’s not just about selling art; it’s about ensuring your creation’s immortality.”

  3. Authenticity in the Digital Age
    “In a world where digital art can be replicated, the blockchain ensures authenticity. When your art lives on Bitcoin, it’s not just a piece; it’s a certificate of authenticity, a proof of origin that follows it forever. No more questions about who created what; the blockchain knows.”

  4. The Artist’s Revolution
    “This isn’t just tech; it’s a revolution. Independent artists, no longer at the mercy of platforms or gatekeepers, can now control their art’s destiny. With Bitcoin, we’re not just selling art; we’re selling a piece of history, a moment in time, forever etched in code.”

  5. Permanence in the Face of Change
    “The internet is ephemeral, but Bitcoin is eternal. For independent artists, this means your art isn’t just for now; it’s for always. It challenges the fleeting nature of digital content, offering permanence in an age where everything seems temporary.”

  6. A Call to Immortal Creativity
    “Join me in this chaotic good movement. Let’s redefine what art means in the digital age. Let’s make our mark not with paint or stone, but with code, with Bitcoin, where our art isn’t just seen; it’s remembered, forever.”

This manifesto isn’t just about embracing technology; it’s about redefining art’s future. Welcome to where every artist can be immortal, not through fame, but through the immutable ledger of Bitcoin.